Sunday 23 May 2010

Cherries on cakes.

It's cold and early and I sit in a kitchen in a very cool part of Hamburg. I've got my coffee and my cigarettes with me and it's holidays so I am indeed a bit pissed that I am up so early but I know that in the upcoming two weeks this will change. And I can have a nap anytime I want to ;-)). I like holidays. But then who doesn't? Don't blame me if I am writing crap but it's 8 a.m. so nothing to expect from my side here. Have you ever been to Hamburg? It's a really nice place with a lot of small shops and a lot of red houses and sometimes it feels like being on another (german) planet as it is so different to the south. Even the people are different and yesterday I wondered if they have the same dreams. I was at a wedding party yesterday, my girlfriend's brother married and invited me, and it was quite interesting as I got to know all her family at once. Nothern germans have that wonderful way of being nice and polite while they are very reserved but you know once they get interested in you, they really are and it's no show. It was a very nice day but tiring and when we came home I was all exhausted and collapsed on the bed. I am so glad we got holidays and I don't need to go anywhere, I can just sit here and follow my train of thoughts. We start our lifes with so many dreams and when we are young we never ask if these dreams will come true, we just ask for the when. Sometimes it's nice when life takes a different path then because it shows you how high your expectations are and it pulls you down to earth again. Life is not a glamour world with white teeth and thin hips all around you and hell, I am very glad we don't live the lifes TV shows us. It would be way too tiring and boring, don't you think, St. G?
This morning it appears to me that all I want from life is having a good chat and exciting conversations once in a while. Anything else is the cherry on the (wedding)cake. I don't like the typical cherries on cakes as they are these red ones not normal ones. I like the normal ones better. And so does Megan though she herself is a bit like a cherry on cake.

Cider and Sunday Evenings!

I just came back in after a walk. It is a lovely blue evening. There was still a little light when I started. It was quiet. St. Georgen is always quiet. But you could hear the sounds of the TV from some of the houses. There is some big football game tonight I think. The streetlights were throwing orange lights in the corners, at the busstop, near the yellow telephone box and the sky was a lovely cobalt blue light. I glanced up at the windows of some of the houses as I walked and saw a ceiling lit with red light with a ring of white light in the centre, in one of them. Different Sunday evenings in the houses. I was thinking of a friend of mine who is now in South Africa. Last year, around a time like this, she made lovely blackforest cake with cherries and we had a running joke about cider all summer because of something silly that I did. When I was walking back, the black cat was still in the corning, half standing in a patch of light. She/He was there when I started. Sudenly felt like saying something to it with my new found knowledge of French ;) But could not come up with anything except for avec mois. The holidays have started and there is going to be two more weeks of this. A sigh escaped me as I type. So there you are..this week's post. Nothing deep..nothing frightfully anything..and now I go back to drinking apple juice because it's the closest that comes to cider!